This is my first purchase with Just want to ensure that the transaction i just made is in correct line.
I ordered one pc : " MICROMAX Tablet Funbook P300 with Freebies " To my surprise - there is no confirmation mail from your portal for this order & the transaction confirming mail that i received from citibank as below, states that the payment was made to"COOLSTUFF RETAIL PVT." Please confirm if this is same as seventymm. Then i received a call stating that there is some error & again they immediately said that they will get this managed from the back-end. I am not very confident with the whole scene.
Kindly look into the whole matter & ensure that the payment & orders are well in place & there is no ambiguity.
For your reference i have also attached the screen-shot for the transaction.
Amarpreet [9212136088]
All India Crime Reforms Organisation
New Delhi
Post Wealth Care Consultant Complaints to Raise Your Voice on a Global Level
Many innocent investors fall prey to the unauthorized wealthcare consultants. They provide fake offers and schemes and later, do not turn up positively. In order to get the money back, many investors try mailing and calling the company. Even after taking many efforts to get the money, nothing successful turns up.
If you too have faced issues like these then, you can post wealthcare consultant complaints against the defaulter company. This online customer board is available 24*7 for all your services. Moreover, you can post as many complaints you wish. Since, this board is present on the online platform, you can get make the entire world read your issues and let them know how you have been cheated.
With the wealthcare complaints, you will be able to globally appeal to authorities as well. Want to take a strict action towards the defaulters? This is the ideal way to promote your issues. Step up and get set for the fight. Post your wealth care consultant complaints right here.
In any purchase, it is always important to receive quality and durable service. It is equally imperative to receive timely delivery services so that you can use the product at the earliest. What do you do when you do not receive your product as per the scheduled time?
It is important to make the company realize of their mistakes in terms of rendering facilities to the customers. If you are facing such issues, you can post your customer complaints here. It is an online customer board available for your grievances. You do not have to pay anything while posting your plight and at the same time get a global appeal for your complaint. We aim to promote your issues on a large magnitude so that your customer complaints come to notice by one and all. Through our customer online board, we leave no stone unturned in promoting your issues.
Today, the entire world is coming together with social networking sites. We use the same medium to promote your customer complaints on the internet platform. When you post your complaint here, it is read and reviewed by many, thus, paving positive chances to gather more support. Furthermore, the complaints help in getting noticed by the defaulter company. This way, you open up an opportunity for early solution. Do not keep receiving delayed services. It is time to confront them. Post your customer complaints right here!
Healthcare sector is one among the most crucial sectors in the present day. Many people get medical treatment on regular basis. Because of many physically ill people, many medical authorities try to take extra benefit from them. In the process of offering better treatment or an early recovery, the medical units tend to earn extra. Just to recover faster, many people shell out lot of money on medicines and their treatment.
Have you been a victim of something similar to the above situations? Or are you still under a treatment wherein you are not getting the requisite facilities as per the charges? If yes, it is crucial to undertake a better action against the concerned medical authority. You can post your healthcare complaints here. This is an online customer board where you can share your issues as many you want. As you share your issues here, you will be able to make many people realize of the extra money that they are shedding.
It is high time that you should not make foolery of yourself. You should take the right action so post your healthcare complaints here. This board is an online medium and is connected with various social media so you can promote your complaint at a global level. What are you thinking? Don’t waste time. Post your health care complaints here!
Have you been recently offered a scheme that turned out to be false? What action did you take against the company? Are you afraid in raising your voice against the company? Do you not have money to file a case against the company?
Relieve yourself from such worries as the easiest, most secure and free of charge solution is in front of you. You can post your customer complaints here and raise your voice against the company. As a customer, you have many rights and privileges to fight against the supplier of defective goods and deficient services, false scheme providers and on.
This online customer board is available at your service round-the-clock. Through this board, we aim to promote your plight on the virtual platform. When your issues are promoted on the Internet, your customer complaints get noticed by higher authorities, officials and large mass of people. This way, more avenues and support open up to fight back. In addition, we promote your customer complaints through various social networking sites so that more and more people come to know about your grievances. The more people come to know, the more support you attain. Therefore, there are more chances to get early feedback from the defaulter company.
Step up now and post your customer complaints here. It is your money and you have full rights to get it back. This customer online board aims to help you in your ordeal. Post your customer complaints here!
The holiday season is a great time to do a lot of shopping for your loved ones. As marketplaces are crowded with lots of people, many people are utilizing online websites to place orders for Christmas and New Year gifts. However, while you are making online purchases, you must make a deal with well-known companies.
The reason is because the festival season is a time when companies try to make offers and schemes which are not 100% true. They have few terms and conditions associated with it which doesn’t let you buy a product at a reasonable price. Therefore, you must be sure that the discounts displayed on the websites are genuine or not.
Have you recently faced such type of situation while buying a New Year Gift? If yes, then don’t let this hamper your holiday season. You must raise your voice against the defaulter company who is trying to make money by spoiling your festive time. If you are thinking the right way to raise such types of issues, then this platform will serve your purpose.
All you need to do is to post your customer complaints here on this online customer board. It is easy, free-of-cost and will reach to the rest of the world in no time. By posting your customer complaints, you can make the company realize their mistake and make them turn up to your issues as soon as possible.
Furthermore, the customer board is connected with several social media sites which act as an advantage for the customers. As you post your complaint, your issue is promoted across all the social networking websites. Thus, you are able to speak to the world about your grievances and also alert other potential customers.
This customer complaint forum is available for 24*7 for all your plights. Get geared up and post your customer complaints here.