Use Customer Complaint Board to Share your Bad Experiences Online
Many cases have come into notice concerning customers getting bad or poor services from the high-end or low-end companies. There are many cases pending in the consumer courts and are still rising even after taking various actions against the defaulter companies.
The court has given the power to consumers to fight for their rights but the process is lengthy, complicated and time-consuming. We understand that there is need to have quick response so that the consumers can get relief from the burden, pain and pressure caused due to bad services received from defaulter companies.
Along with that, there are many online frauds that are coming into notice which easily traps the innocent consumer by alluring them to provide best products and services at lowest and cheapest prices.
If you also have become a victim of such instances, then it is right time to share your experience here on this customer complaint board. We will help you to promote your complaints to a higher level so that you can get early response from the defaulter company without involving law and order into it. This will also strengthen your base as well as your case if you register your complaint in the consumer forum.
So, use this space and share your experiences to make others aware about fake companies that are making money online by looting innocent customers. Contact US
This entry was posted on Monday, November 8, 2010 at 5:56 AM. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response.