Archive for April 2011
We understand your problem on how you feel when you receive unnecessary mails. Many websites send spam mails even when the user has unsubscribed the service. These email bombings are nothing but a way to promote their site.
We are here to help you listen and spread your grievances. Our online customer board is all available for you round the clock. It has successful experiences in resolving such issues and many customers have received immediate solutions.
We will help you get justice by promoting your concern through all the verticals. You can post your problem relating to the number of email spam you are receiving and the websites from where you are receiving. In addition, you can add more information regarding the complaints.
As you post your customer complaints here, we promote them widely through various social networking websites. This way, more and more people come to know about your issues. The websites which have been sending unsolicited emails will come across your complaint. They will take immediate action to resolve your issues.
Our online customer board has a global appeal and is read by a large number of people. Not only that, the concerned websites will get back to you at the earliest. Don’t waste your time and post the details here!
I was not informed about 2nd call money at all via any means and so I didn't pay the 2nd call money as I was not informed about it.I contacted them many times to transfer my shares into my DEMAT account.I wrote them letters in the years 2002 to fulfill the need,but they didn't reply.Again I tried to contact them in 2005 via letter and they sent a letter in return informing that my letter has been sent to the share unit of BANK of Baroda for further clarification on the issue.
In 2006 I sent the original share certificate to transfer it into my Demat but they kept the original share certificate and told me that due to miscellaneous reasons all my " NEW DRF REQUIRED AND OLD SHARES ARE FORFEITED AND RETAINED BY THE COMPANY." Also they neither returned my money nor transferred the shares into my Demat account.
Now they should either return my money back along with the interest or transfer the shares into my Demat account.
Awadh Sharan Shandilya
ph. no.- 9406531741, 07582227292
H. no.-243,Deen Kuti Parkota,Sagar,Madhya Pradesh
I am a frequent Internet user and I enroll myself into various websites with my personal email id for many of my purposes. As a result, I receive a huge number of spam emails at regular intervals. Although I have unsubscribed some of the services on the websites, yet I am receiving E-mail spams now and then.
I am unable to understand the reason but can think of two possibilities. The reason could be either those websites have no proper system to see who has unsubscribed their service or they do not follow any ethics. I feel they want to promote their websites in all forms possible without thinking that they are spoiling their image on the flip side. This way of email spamming is totally an unethical way of promoting one’s business and I do not encourage this.
With the excess of email bombing, I find it difficult to sort out my important mails. I feel extremely disappointed to see these unsolicited mails in large number in my inbox. It takes extra time to filter important from unimportant mails. Further, I have even repeatedly checked the mailing service and made sure that the service has been unsubscribed, yet all went in vain.
I just want to know that will this online customer board be of any help to me. I am sure there will be many people who are coming across similar cases. Kindly, help me in this issue and let me know what you can do to resolve this issue of email spamming.
Today, Internet is widely used by all the people across the globe for varied purposes. They may be using Internet to find a job, to market a company, to promote one’s products, do online shopping and many more. It is also a unique platform to connect with other people and convey messages to others. It is one way to share one’s plight as well. Many times, people confront issues related to online purchasing and lose money. If you have faced similar issues, you can post your customer complaints here at this online customer board.
There are many defaulter companies which are getting caught with the help of customer complaints. The online medium helps you to make your complaints heard faster and get noticed by authorities. The Internet has its own viral component which has a wider reach. All one needs to do is to post customer complaint online and make it read by the world.
When you post your complaints here, it is not only catered to the common mass but also to higher authorities and agenises dealing in consumer forum. What’s more, the customer board is linked to various social networking sites so that your grievances are read by more and more people.
With the passing time, the online medium has become viral and the number of Internet users has mushroomed to a large number. It is one among the most used platform to share and convey messages among masses. In addition, your customer complaints have large probability to promote through Word of Mouth (WoM). This way, you are more heard and more supported.
Utilize this medium which is getting more viral with the passing time. Post your customer complaints now!
Our online customer board has come a long way and has been helping a large number of innocent people. We have our own share of victories as many customers have reported that their issues have been resolved.
There are many fraudulent wealth care consultants which claim fake schemes on wealth investments. Many innocent investors lose their hard earned money to these consultants. It is important to confront these consultants in order to get the right solutions to your causes.
If you have been facing similar wealth care related issues, you can post your wealthcare consultant complaints here. This online customer board has a global reach and make people from across the globe read your issues. When you post your wealthcare complaint, you make the higher consumer authorities and agencies take notice of you. It is a platform which helps you to fight back with the fraudulent companies. This customer board supports you through various social networking websites and make your issue heard to people across the globe.
Step up for your wealthcare consultant complaints and fight against the defaulter companies. We are here to promote your issues and bring attention of the companies. Our customer board understands value of your money and that is why offers you the right platform. It is a cost free medium available round-the-clock. Moreover, you can post your wealthcare consultants as many times as you want.
Our customer board has reported victory in many cases and we aim to have more. Post your wealthcare consultant complaints here!
Our online customer board has set its benchmark in helping customers by promoting their issues. We have experiences where the defaulter companies have positively responded to the customer complaints. People who were seeking justice from the customer board are able to get the response from the concerned authorities.
According to a recent complaint, customer’s telecommunication service was blocked without any prior information and also, pending bills were not notified to him. The customer got his services unbarred after he posted his customer complaint on this online platform and other bills related issues were also resolved.
There are more success stories wherein the consumers have used their authority to fight against the fraudulent companies and claim losses.
We are here to help you in confronting with the defaulters and utilize your consumer rights. If you are facing any form of problem relating purchase, hiring a service, mobile phone services and other consumer related issues, you can lodge your customer complaint here.
Our proven customer board is available for you and your grievances. When you post your customer complaints here, we promote it further through varied social networking sites. This way, you reach out to more and more people for good support and early solutions. Be the next one to have a wining story! Come up and post your customer complaints here!
Post Customer Complaint to Fight against the Unwanted Subscription of Services!
Lot of telecommunication service providers claim to provide the best value-added services to their customers. They assert free downloading of wallpapers, animations, music, ringtone or message cards and much more services. Later, these telecommunication companies charge money on the subscription of services even when we did not ask for. What is the ideal way to deal with such issues?
Many customers try to complain such issues to the customer care executives to get their money refunded. However, customer care executives are reluctant to pay back the money deducted without any intimidation.
We understand such types of situations when you lose your money and therefore, have come as a support to provide you justice. You can post your customer complaints here at this online customer board. Available round the clock, our customer board is there for assisting you in resolving your plight.
When you lodge your customer complaints here, you can elaborate your issues including category of service, charges, name of the company and other details. The online customer board is open for all and customers can post as many complaints they want.
In addition, our online customer board is linked to various social networking websites. So, when you post your customer complaints, your issues are promoted across the globe. It is one lucrative medium to make your voice heard to the higher authorities.
Get early answers to your problems by post your customer complaints against telecom sector here!