Post Customer Complaint to Fight against the Unwanted Subscription of Services!
Lot of telecommunication service providers claim to provide the best value-added services to their customers. They assert free downloading of wallpapers, animations, music, ringtone or message cards and much more services. Later, these telecommunication companies charge money on the subscription of services even when we did not ask for. What is the ideal way to deal with such issues?
Many customers try to complain such issues to the customer care executives to get their money refunded. However, customer care executives are reluctant to pay back the money deducted without any intimidation.
We understand such types of situations when you lose your money and therefore, have come as a support to provide you justice. You can post your customer complaints here at this online customer board. Available round the clock, our customer board is there for assisting you in resolving your plight.
When you lodge your customer complaints here, you can elaborate your issues including category of service, charges, name of the company and other details. The online customer board is open for all and customers can post as many complaints they want.
In addition, our online customer board is linked to various social networking websites. So, when you post your customer complaints, your issues are promoted across the globe. It is one lucrative medium to make your voice heard to the higher authorities.
Get early answers to your problems by post your customer complaints against telecom sector here!
This entry was posted on Wednesday, April 13, 2011 at 5:40 AM. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response.