Do you get spam e-mails everyday? Are you also a victim of bad consumer service? Do you want to complaint against those companies? You have landed at the right place!
This blog is dedicated to all types of consumer complaints related to all types of products and services available on the internet. Whether you want to complain against spamming, poor service providers, fake companies, fraudulent schemes or any other sorts of Internet related complaints, we encourage you to mention your complaints here so that we can help all of you to fight against those companies.
If the complaint is related to overseas business, it is much likely that your complaint will take time to get it resolved. Therefore, you require a platform where you can draw the attention of the concerned authorities to help you resolve the matter as early as possible.
You just have to state the matter clearly over here and rest the job is ours! We will help you to promote your complaints on the web so that you can get answer to your injustice soon. Moreover, you will help other consumers to eliminate the chances of getting into the same situation as you are right now.
Be a responsible consumer and raise your voice against your injustices!
Please feel free to write it to us so that we can help you to promote your complaints to get possible good results at the earliest. Contact USThis entry was posted on Monday, August 30, 2010 at 10:44 PM and is filed under Client Complaint,Consumer Complaint,Submit Complaint,Submit Fraud Complaint. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response.

Clothing, Shoes & Accessories Complaints