Complaints are the best way for businesses to avail an opportunity to rectify immediate problems. In addition, complaints are essentially a great way to provide constructive measures for enhancing products, implementing marketing practices, better services, or diverting promotional material and product information.
While occasional problems with commercial services are inevitable but, dissatisfied consumers are not. By way of complaints, companies can find better means to deal with mistakes arising on their parts. It is mainly because of the fact that a better and effective recovery can turn frustrated and angry customers into loyal ones.
Recognizing the need for better services and the importance of fair buying experiences, many companies have found newer ways to deal with resolving mounting consumer complaints. In fact, companies are trying their best to find innovative and smarter plans to improve their customer feedback. That is why, within all specialty verticals, companies are adapting a positive approach and reputation to deal with fair complaint management system.
Public complaints: Where to Post?
There are many websites or web pages wherein you can find numerous complaints against different service providers. Whether you are an angry consumer or looking for the right information to get your deserved right, you can express your rants on specialized websites and relieve yourself. By posting your complaints for the public views, you can share your own experience and read actual related experience faced by other people. By doing do, you will get instant help with your defaulted or problem products or services. Also, you are likely to gain leverage to help solve the complaints in the shortest possible time. Writing a complaint is the easiest way to check the actual performance and working of a business towards its consumers. Contact US
This entry was posted on Thursday, September 9, 2010 at 11:52 PM and is filed under Complaints,Complaints Companies,Complaints for Public,Post Your Complaints. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response.

I rented an upstairs apartment at 604 mellon street se Wash dc that was nothing but trouble to me,i found the apartment walls and floors to be cheap and thin that sounds can go through and the floor cracked and squeek every time i walked,all i got were complaints from other neighbors and i complained back,the land lord threatned to evict me but i did nothing wrong,he took me to court and charged me with high court fees,i moved out to live with familly members and the land lord had my wages garnished,the lease i signed said nothing about wage garnishment and neither did the land lord,because of unconscent wage garnishment i sufferd lost of income falling behind my bills and familly obligations that i went into debt,the wage garnishment cut my finances so short i could not qualify for credit and was denied other housing opportunities leaving me stuck with familly and my clothes and furniture kept in storage
Hello Friends... Beware of They are the real frauds,They have put offices in Nepal Ludhiana Lucknow Delhi Dehradun Rajasthan , so that we innocent people think that they are genuine.But bloody bastard they are fraud and I have contacted them to get work from hard copy to soft copy. They said for minimum 10 seats@ 12000/- and asked for Rs 125000 for registering. When i paid up all the money they changed their office from lucknow to somewhere else. they dont provide genuine work. and each time i call to Delhi office, they said that their staff is out of station and dont listen to me when i ask my money to refund. They are bastard real fucker and iam trying to consult my counsel to get those fraudial to the jail. Becoz not only they have eaten up my 125000/- thousan i had to invest in buying 10 computers for 155000/-.